– Remove from heat and add the toasted peppers to a large bowl. Cover with hot water and steep until softened.– While the peppers are rehydrating, heat the olive oil in the same pan to medium heat.
– Add the onion and tomatoes and cook to soften.– Add the garlic and cook stirring.– Add the cooked onion, tomatoes and garlic to a food processor.– Remove the softened chilies and add to the food processor.
– Cut the beef into large chunks and add to a large bowl.– Pour the birria sauce over them and rub it into the meat. Coverand marinate the meat in the refrigerator.
– When you’re ready to cook, add the meat with all of the marinade, the chopped roasted tomatoes and remaining beef broth to a large pot. Cover and cook until the meat is fork tender and easy to shred. – Shred the meat with forks.