A list of resources where you can buy chili pepper plants and seedlings for your own garden, from the mildest and sweet to the hottest peppers in the world, including the Bhut Jolokia, Scorpion peppers, 7-Pots, Carolina Reaper and more.

Where to Buy Chili Plants and Seedlings
86 Peppers: www.86peppers.com
Burpee: www.burpee.com/vegetables/garden-ready-pepper-plants
ChilePlants.com: www.chileplants.com
Gurney's Seed & Nursery Company: www.gurneys.com. Mostly seeds, but some plants.
Pepper Connect TT: www.facebook.com/Pepper.Connect.TT. Trinidadian start-up exporting Caribbean Peppers to the world.
Pepper Joes: www.pepperjoe.com
Refining Fire Chiles: www.superhotchiles.com
Dorine K says
Just found your website through your dehydrating peppers video. Excellent website. I dehydrate excess peppers as well but have to do it in the garage due to the fumes! Im in Concord NC & have had great success growing peppers in Earthboxes with cages attached & staked in ground. Been getting all my peppers & eggplants from chiliplants.com as well for years. Order during January since they will sell out of some. Plants ship & arrive in perfect condition.
Michael Hultquist - Chili Pepper Madness says
Thanks, Dorine. Turns out we are new neighbors!
jennifer ziefel says
Hi Mike! Love The recipes. You definitely want to check out chilepeppers.com. They start pre-orders on January 1. Great selection of peppers, tomatoes, and eggplant
Michael Hultquist - Chili Pepper Madness says
Thanks, Jennifer!
jennifer ziefel says
Sorry Mike. Make that chileplants.com It's been that kind of day...