Tips and information for growing chili peppers from seed in your own home garden, starting with seeds to full plants and harvesting.

Growing chili peppers from seed is not difficult, but it does take some TLC and patience. Place 2-3 seeds in plugs or a seed tray and top with a tiny amount of compost or seedling soil. Water the soil. Follow the seed packet for optimal planting depth. Keeping the soil moist is crucial until the seeds germinate.
Seed trays work great for this because the lids hold in the moisture and watering is typically not needed. Keep the seeds in a dark place with a small amount of filtered light until sprouts appear. Then remove the lid and place them on a south-facing window sill. Regular watering will be necessary now.
Occasionally turn the tray so that the plants grow upright. They will lean toward the sun. After 2-4 leaves form, it will be necessary to separate and repot into a larger pot.

How to Grow Chili Peppers from Seed
If more than one seed sprouted, you can carefully separate the seedlings or simply cut the weakest ones at the soil level. Place fresh seedling soil or compost into a slightly larger pot no wider than 3 inches. Move the seedling and it's soil to the new pot.
It may be necessary to do this again to a larger pot depending on your planting time. You will know you need to go to a larger pot if it grows too tall and starts to fall over.
Each time you pot on be sure the next pot is taller and wider than the previous. Plant the seedling to where the soil is nearly up to the leaves.
Learn more about growing chili peppers here - A Guide to Growing Chili Peppers.
Additional Information
Learn more about growing and harvesting chili peppers through the links below, including:
Josh says
Hello! I am a young pepper grower and I love these tips! We did buy a mature pepper plant from the market that currently has a few peppers growing and I hope those peppers are tasty when I pick them!
Paul Lueders says
Great info Mike. I've got about 300 peppers sprouted right now. I've got them in 1020's growing in 1 1/2" soil blocks and in a few weeks, I'll be up-potting to 3" pots. I can't put my plants outdoors here in northern Wisconsin till mid-June. I sure enjoy all your great emails!
Mike Hultquist says
Nice!!!! Thanks, Paul! Enjoy all the peppers!
George Hambuch says
For indoor, how efficiency will the seed planting growth if using the growth light electrical?? Any specific requirement of light as I see the information from Home Depot which i have for herbs. Im aware that chili will be different.
Michael Hultquist - Chili Pepper Madness says
George, I don't have personal experience with grow lights, though it is something I'd like to explore in the future. Sorry I couldn't help more.
Stephen Bennett says
How much would you sell Hot Chili ???? Pepper plants for I’m just asking,they’re about 1ft too 2ft tall and have Peppers on them. Thank you for your time.Stephen
Michael Hultquist - Chili Pepper Madness says
Stephen, you can buy seedlings for about $3 bucks online + shipping, though larger plants might be a bit more, maybe $5.