Scoville Heat Units: 265,000-328,000 SHU
Developed in Charleston, South Carolina, the Tiger Paw NR is an extra-hot bright orange habanero variety. Although not necessarily bred for its heat, it does pack quite a punch compared to a regular habanero.
The significance of this habanero hybrid is its resistance to root-knot nematode, a parasitic worm (hence the NR in the name- Nematode Resistant). Root knot nematode can destroy a crop, and resistance makes growing this variety much easier.
Recent research by scientists and the USDA in South Carolina has created a stir in the field of chili peppers because they have been able to develop a few varieties of pepper with this resistance, making farming much more productive. Other chiles stemming from this region and this research include the Charleston Hot and the Carolina Cayenne.
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