Aji peppers are known generally as the Peruvian hot pepper, where "aji" is the common name primarily in South America and areas of the Caribbean for chili peppers. There are many different types and heat ranges. Learn more below.

Capsicum Baccatum
Scoville Heat Units: 1,177 - 75,000 SHU (or hotter)
Also known generally as the Peruvian hot pepper, "aji" is the common name primarily in South America and areas of the Caribbean for chili peppers.
History of the Aji Chili Pepper
Aji Chili Peppers have an interesting history, represented in the way that the cuisine that has most taken to this particular pepper. It is most well loved in Peru, where the pepper shows up in a variety of dishes and is often served at the table as a condiment aside red onion and garlic.
The word "ají" is actually a word used in the Caribbean to refer to this particular plant, but the name became so widespread that this is what it is known as in most of the world. "Ají amarillo" literally translates to "yellow chili" in Spanish, which is the color that this pepper turns while cooked.
The mature pods of an ají pepper are actually bright orange.
Types of Aji Chili Peppers
There are many different strains of Peruvian aji peppers, and the plants are typically very productive. I have grown many different varieties and the plants always explode with chili peppers. Talk about a great harvesting plant.
A few popular aji are:
- The Aji Amarillo, or “aji yellow” or “yellow chile,” also known as the aji escabeche, the most common pepper cultivated and consumed in Peru. It often grows from 3 to 5 inches long easily, though it sometimes reaches 6 to 7 inches, and its color changes to a deep orange when mature. It is usually hot, from 40,000 to 50,000 on the Scoville scale, with a pungent flavor. It often appears in dried and powdered forms, and finds its way into many traditional Peruvian dishes as well as some Bolivian dishes.
- Aji Cito - The Aji Cito chili pepper is possibly the hottest of the Capsicum Baccatum peppers at around 100,000 Scovilles.
- Aji Cristal Peppers - Aji Cristal peppers are small, spicy chili peppers native to Curico, Chile, that ripen to a fiery orange-red color. They are widely used in local cuisine.
- Aji Dulce Peppers - The aji dulce pepper is a brightly colored pod popular in the Caribbean, particularly Puerto Rico, Cuba and the Dominican Republic, with sweet flavor and mild heat.
- Aji Fantasy - The Aji Fantasy is an aji variety that was developed over a 5 year period in Finland. It is a sweet pepper, emphasis on sweet, with a mild heat level. The peppers are highly flavorful and ideal for many dishes. The plants are quite productive.
- Aji Habanero - The Aji Habanero has only a fraction of the heat of a regular habanero but is named for its similar appearance and smoky, fruity flavor.
- Aji Limo - The Limo chile (or Ají Limo) is another super-hot chili from Peru. (Ají is the term for chile pepper in South America.) It grows to about 2-3 inches, and may be red, yellow, orange, or even purple or white, providing great color for your dishes.
- Aji Panca - The Panca chili (or Ají Panca as it’s known in South America), is a deep red to burgundy pepper, measuring 3-5 inches. It is the second most common pepper in Peru, and is grown near the coast. Similar in shape to the Ají Amarillo, it is less spicy and has a rather sweet, berry-like, and slightly smoky flavor.
- Aji Pineapple - The Aji Pineapple is a gorgeous yellow baccatum pepper with elongated fruits that average from 2-3 inches long. They begin green and ripen to the vibrant yellow that you see in the photos. Similar to other Aji peppers, which are typically bright and fruity, the Aji Pineapple runs around 20,000 Scoville Heat Units, so it is moderately hot.
- The Aji Norteño, or “northern aji.” This variety is only popular in Peru’s northern coastal valleys, but in those areas residents claim that the pods - at 3 to 4 inches, tapering, and appearing in yellow, red and orange colors - possess a fruity flavor of moderate pungency that fits well with their sense of placeand with their many seafood dishes. The hot peppers, at around 45,000 to 75,000 on the Scoville scale, are typically served fresh on the side.
- The Lemon Drop, or Hot Lemon, also known in Peru as Kellu Uchu. It comes from a vine-like bush that grows about 3 feet, and it produces few seeds. It averages 2 1/2 inches long and has a cone shape with crinkles and a color - appropriate to its Anglophone names - of bright yellow when mature. It even has a citrus flavor though its Scoville score can range into the somewhat-hot region, starting at 15,000 but climbing to 30,000. They often turn up, either fresh or smoked, in a variety of salsas.
- The Peppadew™, with a size and color approximating a cross between a round pepper and a cherry tomato. Peppadew, from “pepper” and “dew,” is actually the brand name for a piquanté pepper originating from South Africa’s Limpopo province where it is still popular, especially as a pizza topping, likely because of its taste that falls somewhere between a bell pepper and a mild chili pepper. With low heat, around 1,177 on the Scoville scale, and much sweetness, this pepper is often great for stuffing with cream, goat, feta or even mozzarella cheeses, or for using as an addition to salads, sandwiches, omelets and kebabs. It also makes an appearance in Celestial Seasonings-brand “Safari Spice” red tea.
- Other Aji peppers include the ayucullo, cereza, charapa, aji limo, mono, panca and pinguita de mono in Peru; the escurre-huéspedes and the lengua de pájaro in Cuba; and the chombo in Panama.
Aji Pepper Recipes
Here are a number of recipes I have created that celebrate the heat and flavor of aji chili peppers.
Joshua M Kellems says
Hi, @chilipeppermadness my name is Joshua Kellems and I've been growing peppers for 7 years and came across the Aji peppers; by far my favorite! I was wondering if you could help me network a complete list of the original Aji peppers. I am looking to find and grow every original variety. They are hard to find with so many variations out there I can't seem to find the originals let alone the information I need. Please help... & Hope you have a stellar year!
Mike Hultquist says
Thanks, Joshua. I have been adding many different aji peppers here that I grown, but there are just so many! People keep crossing them all the time as well. I wish I could get to it all more quickly.
Bob Smith says
Hi, I am wondering if you know the pepper Ose-Nsukka?
If so, do you know if it is a baccatum?
I had it until I had a propogatiion failure 3 years ago.
Seeds brought Me from Cameroon....made YUMMY SAUCE.
They have the unique flower markings like A. Limon and A Cristal Ive grown in the past, but someone called them Chinense???????
Do you sell seeds? Any info would be great.
Thanks fellow HOTTTTT pepper Dude---Bob
Michael Hultquist - Chili Pepper Madness says
Hey, Bob. Yes, I've heard of these peppers and have seen them references as Chinense, though I'm not 100%. I know they're African (Nigerian) and also referred to as Cameroon peppers. Great if you can get more seeds. Check out my Resources section at the top of the page for some potential seed sellers. You might also check with one of the many Facebook groups dedicated to chili growing. Good luck!
Michael says
Hi Mike - I grew an "Aji Rojo" this year, thinking I ordered an Aji Amarillo so I could make sauce to use for Peruvian chicken. The description from the grower is "Aji Rojo Pepper Plant : Also known as Puca uchu or Aji Red. Good yields of 2 1/2 to 5" long by 1" wide hot peppers. Long pendant shaped pods mature from green to deep orange/red. A variety from Peru with plant that grow to about 2 ft. tall and 3 ft. wide. The peppers are very mild at the green stage. Quite a rare pepper."
Do you have any experience with this one and do you think I could use this as I would the Aji Amarillo? It seems to be similar.
Thank you for your post.
Michael Hultquist - Chili Pepper Madness says
Hey, Michael! I have NOT grown these or used them, but yes, in my experience, you can use many ajis the same way. Just check the heat, as that can vary greatly.
Barb says
Morning Mike - your support is always so fast & so thorough. Very much appreciated!
So yeah, I was afraid you were going to say that. The peppers are hardened off & I was about to put them into my 18 gallon tubs where I grow most of my veggies these days, but there's no bringing one of those inside, LOL. Will instead give them a smaller pot each & move them to my little greenhouse in September & then maybe one into the house to overwinter. I just KNOW I'm gonna love these peppers, so whatever it takes, right?
Take care, Barb
Michael Hultquist - Chili Pepper Madness says
All the best, Barb! Good luck! Let me know how they fare.
Barb says
Hi Mike I'm growing Aji peppers for the first time this year - your recipe pic for the amarillo sauce sent me on a quest I couldn't refuse! The seeds I ordered took forever to reach me here in Ontario, but I was able to germinate them quickly in the oven with just the light on (perfect temperature) & my peppers are now close to 4" tall. Do I stand a snowball's chance in Hades of getting a crop out of them before our frosts start in mid-Sept?
I came across a more mature Lemon Drop at the nursery which has just started to flower, but I'm really keen to experience the amarillo. Barb
Michael Hultquist - Chili Pepper Madness says
Hi, Barb. That's great to hear, but yeah, I THINK timing is a big issue here. Some ajis take 120 days to produce ripe pods. You could get some peppers if you get them in the ground asap. Harden them off a bit first. Depending on how many plants you have, you might plan to transfer them indoors if you need to, or at least some of them into pots. I wish I could be more helpful! All the best to the ajis! I love them so.
Nicki B says
We have a type of chilli in Mauritius called Piment Cari. We live in the UK and can't find it anywhere. I wondered if you knew what the scientific name of this chilli is? One website says it is an Aji but I can't see it listed here.
Thank you
Michael Hultquist - Chili Pepper Madness says
Nicki, there is a Mauritian pepper called the Piment Cari, or Curry Pepper, which is a type of Aji. I have not grown them, though they look delicious.
Matt McCluskey says
Hey Mike! Been on the site for a few years. Made some great stuff.
Have some Aji Rico’s (?) growing in the Willamette valley. Want to use them to do my first mash. Need some advice on when to harvest them. Would you go by color, time of planting, time of season...? Not much of a gardener but mashing calls for purity, huh? Thanks.
Michael Hultquist - Chili Pepper Madness says
Hey, Matt. Thanks! It's best to go by sight than timing, as peppers can ripen at different times on the same plant. With aji ricos, they ripen from green to red, so pick them when they are nice and red but still firm. If you leave them on too long, they can soften and shrivel, and possibly fall off. The freshest peppers make the best mash for sure. I hope this helps! Good luck!
Bren Haas says
How long does it take for the plant to grow/germinate? I am in Ohio hardiness zone 5b /6. It is almost April 1! Thank you for your help.
Michael Hultquist - Chili Pepper Madness says
Bren, most ajis germinate in 80-90 days. Make sure you check with your particular strain.
Pimenta says
My favorite pepper, very hot and fruitty. It goes well with everything, but specially meat
Michael Hultquist - Chili Pepper Madness says
Yep! Definitely love them.
Loco pepper says
Aji limon or lemon drop pepper.
I grow them every year.
I love them.
Simon says
What type of Aji chilli pepper is the yellow one, which is the main photo at the top ?
Thank you
REPLY: Simon, those are aji pineapples. -- Mike from Chili Pepper Madness.