The espanola pepper is a cross between New Mexican chilies, including the Sandia pepper, and first appeared in the 1980s. Learn more about them.
Scoville Heat Units: 1,500-2,000 SHU
The Espanola was developed in New Mexico in the 1980s by crossing a Sandia pepper with another New Mexico chile. They grow to 5-7” and mature from green to a deep red.
The young green fruits can be used to make green chili or chiles rellenos, while the red peppers are sometimes dried to make ristras or ground into a smoky chili powder.
The Espanola is also popular in many dishes to add just a little kick.
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- Italian Long Hot Peppers
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- Senise Chili Peppers - All About Them
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- There are even more here!
Cathy Vau says
Why aren't Español plants available this year?